We had a really fun weekend. Grandma and Grandpa V. decided to come down for a visit. We haven't seen them since the Bug's birthday party, so even though we are getting together with them next weekend - they were free and decided to head down. I think they were having some serious Carys withdrawals! We had a great time visiting and I know Carys was loving all the extra attention.
Carys was a butterfly for Halloween and she loved wearing her costume! I decided to do a trial run a few weeks ago to make sure it fit. Well, she liked it so much she ended up running all over the house playing in it!
Showing off her "muscles"
So, I was hopeful that once Halloween arrived we'd have no problem getting her dressed up. I put on her shirt and tights, but we were just hanging out for awhile and I didn't want to put her in her full costume and have her get hot. She saw her hat though and wanted it on, so Dad helped her with that. Then she got to work inspecting the candy for the trick-or-treaters. She was really interested in the bubble gum, she kept digging for those and pulling them out.

Our trick-or-treating traffic started to pick up and Grandma Judy had arrived to help pass out candy with Grandma Alice and Grandpa Tom, so we decided it was time to get our Bug suited up and head out to let her try some trick-or-treating. By this time she had taken her hat off, but Dad had her dressed with the rest of her costume. We started looking for her hat, so we could leave and it was no where to be found. I didn't want to leave without it, so we started tearing apart the house trying to find it. Oh - and let me just say that Grandma Alice was playing a lot of new games with Carys this weekend. One of them of course being hide and seek. Carys had been hiding her toys for Grandma to find, so with that new "trick" we were realizing that this hat could be anywhere! So, we had five adults, in a not very large house, checking every nook and cranny. We even ran downstairs to check the laundry chute (twice) and still no hat. Then, don't ask me how she thought to look, but Grandma Judy decided to check Carys! Scott was holding her and she reached inside her little butterfly outfit and pulled out an antennae, and said, "what's this?" At this point (way more excited than I should be) I yelled, "That's it, That's it!!" I have no idea how it got in there. Scott doesn't remember seeing the hat around when he got her dressed, so it could have already been in there or maybe she stuffed it in - who knows! I do know that this really isn't the most exciting story, but if you could have seen the insanity of every one of us on a mission to try and chase down this stinkin hat - it was really quite comical!
So here we are - finally ready to take Carys out for her first time trick-or-treating.
We weren't sure how she would do and had planned to only hit one or two of our neighbor's houses and then head home. We were surprised though because she loved it! She wanted to hold her bag and walked right up to every door! We ended up hitting about 10-15 houses, and got lots of compliments on our adorable, little bug!
When we finally made it back to our house, Carys walked up to her Grandmas got some candy from both of them, and then turned around and started walking away toward the next house! Apparently, she wasn't quite ready to be done! It was pretty chilly though, so we decided it was best to call it a night. Plus, we had a nice dinner of chili and cornbread waiting and it was time to eat!
We had a great time. I loved seeing all the costumes and I think my favorite was a little Christmas tree complete with real ornaments and lights - I totally want to copy that idea. We also got a ton of trick-or-treaters! At the beginning of the night, Scott and Grandpa were giving me a hard time about all the candy I bought, thinking we would have a lot left over, but we ran out of candy and ended up passing out all of Carys's. Sorry Bug - it's all yours next year!