Carys you are 10 months old today and I can't believe how quickly time has gone. Mom and Dad are having so much fun spending time with you, and you make us laugh all the time. Here are a few things that we want to remember about you at this age:
- You are 19 lbs. 9 oz and about 28 inches.
- You wear size 3 diapers (cheetahs) and mostly 6-12 month clothes.
- Our favorite new thing is that you've learned to give kisses, and Mommy and Daddy can't get enough!
- It's starting to look like you will never crawl - you hate tummy time still and can only be distracted to stay on your belly for a short time. Then you'll cry for us to pick you up or roll over and play happily on your back.
- You would stand up all day if you could and are starting to really cruise around holding on to the couch or Mom and Dad.
- Just today - you walked across the living room pushing your doll stroller all by yourself. I was so excited that I had you do it again when Daddy got home. You practically ran across the floor to get to him, and he was so impressed!
- You're definitely a Daddy's girl. When he's around - you don't want anyone else, including Mommy! I'd probably be pretty jealous, but I understand the attraction - I want to be with him all the time too!
- You're a really good eater and have tried lots of new foods this month. Mom nurses you in the morning and at night, and you have two 6 oz. bottles of formula during the day. You love yogurt for breakfast and still get pureed veggies for lunch. Dinner is usually finger food and you still love to snack on puffs anytime! It's getting harder to eat in front of you because you always want to try what we're having! (some foods you've tried: kiwi, smoked whitefish, sweet potato fries, lamb, feta, watermelon, hamburger, and peas......lots and lots of peas!)
- Bath time is your (and our) favorite time of the day! You still get so excited to get in the tub and play so hard with anything you can find (the saline bottle entertained you tonight).
- After your bath, you get in bed around 7-7:30. Sometimes you take a paci, but most nights you don't want it. You fall asleep on your own and sleep until about 6:30 the next morning.
- Reading is another one of your favorite things to do. Your favorite books right now are Little Quack Loves Colors, Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?, and Goodnight Moon. Dad tries to get you to like "I Stink" (the garbage truck book), but it appears you're more girl than he wants to admit!
- The Bjorn carrier has always been a favorite, but you seem to love it as of late. Even getting it out makes you pump your arms and legs in excitement! You seem to mimic walking around as we carry you from place to place.
- Trips to the park and anything outdoors is becoming a great way to show you new things and let you try new experiences like the swings. You seem at your best when out of the house and taking in the sights of your quickly expanding world.
- Car rides are getting tricky. You seem to have some of your dad in you as you don't like to sit still for very long! Dozing in the car and eating seems to keep you happy, but only for so long.
- You still love B.O.B and the Burley. Keeping you in motion and seeing new sights keeps you happy!
(the last few bullets are from Dad)
Mommy and Daddy love you so much, sweet girl. We can't wait to get you up in the morning and our best days are when the three of us hang out together and play. It's been amazing to watch you experience new things and we are so excited to see you continue to grow and learn - just not too fast, okay?!
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